Your support helps us continue to fulfill our mission to empower community in the arts. From rehabilitating our Northside headquarters, to launching community projects, every little bit helps.
As we continue growing into our expansion space, // Studeō PAR- //, we'd like to thank you for the encouragement you're able to provide.
If word hasn't yet reached you yet ...
The image above represents our HQ and our HUGE expansion in one image. To the left is PAR-Projects -- our recently re-roofed barnyard structure and its 9,000 square feet of (combined) outdoor space -- AND to the right is our expansion project Studeō PAR-, which boasts 15,000 square feet of indoor collaboarative creative space and the future home of our second gallery & event space.
We're building an inclusive creative community ... so welcome to the party. But before we go, we'd also like to thank those of you who contributed to our summer campaign. With your help, we were able to raise over $15,000 to keep improvements moving in the right direction.
Thank you again.
Thanks again for your consideration.
Need another way to help?
Lend us your (valuable!) time + energy. 2 hours or 20 hours. They're both great!
The only reason we've made it this far is, like us, our small and mighty team of volunteers believe that fine arts, collaboration, and education can add value to communities throughout the region. This is a group effort.
Please consider joining us by adding your info to the form below.
If the form (linked above) isn't working for some reason, please consider sending our team a quick note to The volunteer form is still the best way to join the fun, but emails work as well.